Wickers Field Complex Address:
Flagler Ave. between Kennedy Blvd & 14 St.
Parking available but limited.
We suggest you bicycle or moped to the fields.
Your team is welcome to practice during the week
but please contact our office to ensure space for your team.
Monday, January 24, 2022
10:00AM – 5:00PM: Welcome to Key West – Come Visit Our Welcome Center at the Key West Business Guild. Pick up your tournament program, check out the tournament merchandise, and enjoy your walk down Duval Street, Key West’s “Main Drag”
Address: 808 Duval St.
12:00PM – 2:00PM:
Players Clinic for Beginners (1 of 2) (Registration Required) – For women interested to learn how to play flag football, who have no experience whatsoever, this clinic is for you! We’ll get you ready for the tournament by teaching the basics of flag football. Individual players are welcome to join our international teams.
Address: Bernstein Park, Stock Island, 5th & 7 Ave.
3:00PM – 5:00PM:
“Save the Drunken Sailor & Mermaid” – You won’t want to miss this hysterical event! Wear your bathing suit or clothes you’re willing to get wet. First each team sings the traditional song: “What do you do with a drunken sailor”. Prizes are awarded to the best group of singers. Then each team sacrifices a “Drunken Sailor” or “Mermaid” who will need to be saved by their team. Teams can choose to use a raft or tube but must be quick about it as each team is racing for time. Fastest saving team wins! Prizes are awarded to the winners. WINNER: Mermaids
Location: Higgs Beach, 1000 Atlantic Blvd
6:00PM – 7:30PM:
The History of Female Flag Football – President / Founder of the IWFFA, Diane Beruldsen, shares the history and stories of women’s flag football in the United States. From its conception in 1957 by founder Porter Wilson, to the “BOOM” of the sport which followed the first NFL Super Bowl, and the first generation of female flag footballers in the 70’s, up till today with the first generation of international teams and participation of five continents.
Location: South Beach, end of Duval St., 1400 block

Tuesday, January 25, 2022
9:00AM – 12:00PM:
Players Clinic for Beginners – Intermediate (2 of 2) (Registration Required) – We learned the basics of flag football yesterday, now let’s practice some plays. We’ll warm up, conduct flag football drills, then get into play calling and execution of plays. We will go over all offensive positions and zone defense. We will end in a friendship scrimmage game.
Location: Bernstein Park, Stock Island, 5th & 7 Ave.
1:00PM – 3:00PM:
Coaching – Beginner Girls & Women (Registration Required) – You may know how to play flag football, but do you know how to coach? You can do it! Let us give you the support to become a coach. This clinic is part of our Trainers Program, for those women who would like to travel to other countries to teach girls and women how to play, coach and officiate flag football for league development.
4:00PM – 5:30PM:
Meet Kelly McGillis – We saved this time of the week, before things get so busy and competitive, to relax, settle into Key West, meet some of the other teams and also meet Kelly McGillis! This is your chance to ask her about her career, how did she get her roles in Witness, The Accused, Top Gun, and more.
6:00PM – 8:00PM: Tournament Dinner & Live Music –The best burgers in town! Garbo’s is a silver bullet food truck parked behind Hank’s Saloon. There will be lounge chairs, to sit back, eat, drink, and listen to some cool music.
Location: Garbo’s, 409 Caroline St
8:00PM – 10:00PM:
Arm Wrestling at Rick’s and Durty Harry’s
The “IWFFA – Golden Arm Wrestling Contest” has become famous to our flag football players around the world. Check out this video of a past competition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCH4d580neE. There will be two divisions: women and men. Come enjoy the full bar, live music, and the 10th annual IWFFA Arm Wrestling Contest.
1) Karleen Gilmore, USA
2) Sarah Miller, USA
3) Boujrad El Hassania, Morocco
4) Latisha Alce, USA
Location: Rick’s and Durty Harry’s, 208 Duval

Wednesday, January 26, 2022
9:00AM – 12:00PM: Women’s Officiating Clinic for Certification (Registration Required) – This beginner flag football officials’ clinic offers mechanics, understanding IWFFA rules, applying penalties, how to officiate with 2, 3 and 4 officials on the field, and the uniform. We ask participants to know the IWFFA rules before attending, bring a notebook and water. Officials seeking IWFFA certification for officiating flag football will take the test the same day. Beginners welcome and encouraged to sign up.
Location: Bernstein Park, Stock Island, 5th & 7 Ave.
6:00PM – 8:00PM:
SING– Multiple award nominee Singer: Adrienne Z, sings and invites the audience to join in song, for whatever you would like to sing. Just come up to the mike and join in our lovely evening of music. All our flag football players and the public are invited to perform. Each team should have at least one performer to represent their team.
Location: Side Bar, 504 Angela
Toilet Relay Race & Dinner – Every year, this tournament has hosted a crazy, fun, and exciting toilet relay race. We meet at Shanna Key to eat and drink and talk strategy. The key to success is of course teamwork! Each team in this relay hand-off will include four people. The first person with $2 in hand will run to next corner handing off the money to their teammate, who then runs to next corner. The 3rd person runs into the store, buys a roll of toilet paper, gets the receipt, exact change, and hands off to the 4th runner who runs to the finish line just outside Shanna Key. Prizes and medals will be awarded to the winners.
Location: Shanna Key, 1900 Flagler

Thursday, January 27, 2022
9:00AM – 12:00PM:
Officiating Clinic for Certification (Registration Required) – This beginner flag football officials’ clinic offers mechanics, understanding IWFFA rules, applying penalties, how to officiate with 2, 3 and 4 officials on the field, and the uniform. We ask participants to know the IWFFA rules before attending, bring a notebook and water. Officials seeking IWFFA certification for officiating flag football will take the test the same day.
Location: Bernstein Park, Stock Island, 5th & 7 Ave.
12:00PM – 2:00PM:
Women Speaker Series – This year’s tournament brings a group of international female speakers who will enlighten our listeners with their experiences in life. Empowerment, tragedy, success, vision, leadership, and difference. Years past we’ve heard women share their stories from Sweden, Egypt, El Salvador, India, Honduras, Sierra Leone, and Columbia. Questions and answers to follow.
Location: Key West Library, 700 Fleming
4:30PM – 6:00PM:
Opening Ceremonies – Teams will be welcomed by the Mayor of Key West, Teri Johnston. Dignitaries and representatives from U.S.A. and international countries will speak. There will be special cultural dances performed by Shwetaangi Rathore from India. Girls will have a cheerleading contest. Teams are invited to wear traditional clothing from their country. Crazy costumes are also welcome!
Location: Half Shell Raw Bar, Lands End Marina, 231 Margaret Street
Kelly’s Players Parade (departure promptly at 6:05PM) – Our Grand Marshal, Kelly McGillis, will lead the parade. Tournament teams will carry their country’s flag or carry their team’s banner. Some teams will be in their uniforms, costumes, or street clothes. Special “IWFFA Nordic Ski Challenge” Skiers from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland will ski throughout the streets of Key West in the parade. Parade route will be Caroline St., to Lazy Way, Green St., Front St., and down Duval St. which ends on United. Ride your bicycles, mopeds, or cars. It’s our parade!
Location: Half Shell Raw Bar, Lands End Marina, 231 Margaret Street (departure location)
8:00PM – 11:00PM:
Tournament Registration Party – All teams and players must attend and officially register for the tournament. Comedian Gwen Filosa will be the MC during tonight’s registration party. There will be multiple team and individual contests and prizes to winners. There is a jacuzzi, swimming pool, fire pit, full bar, and food. Bring your photo I.D. and sign team rosters. There will also be a meeting for team captains to go over rules and tournament format. Rosters close at 10PM (except the Loose Women’s’ Team). We will also have a 50/50 fundraiser to raise money for Sierra Leone girl’s flag football equipment.
Location: Bourbon St. Pub, 724 Duval St
Friday, January 28, 2022
9:00AM – 5:00PM:
Tournament Games – The women’s competition begins! Three fields will be used. Make sure to have your team photo taken by our photographers at the information table. Half time games will be held throughout the day on the main field. Food concession offers very affordable food. Bring your water bottles to fill at side lines.
Location: Wickers Field Complex, Flagler Ave. between Kennedy Blvd & 14 St. /
Bernstein Park, Stock Island, 5th & 7 Ave.
/ Tommy Roberts Memorial Stadium, 1200 Kennedy Dr.
Dance Party! – Come dance, socialize, drink, play pool, or enjoy Key West’s premier drag show at the multiple bars at the Aquaplex. Bars include Aqua, Back Bar, Poke In the Rear, and Side Bar.
Location: AquaPlex, 711 Duval St. St.

Saturday, January 29, 2022
8:00AM – 6:00PM:
Tournament Games – Women, Juniors, Girls Competition. Three fields will be used. Make sure to have your team photo taken by our photographers at the information table. Half time games will be held throughout the day on the main field. Food concession offers very affordable food. Bring your water bottles to fill at side lines. Team Cheer Contests will be held throughout day. Be sure to sign up your team.
Location: Wickers Field Complex, Flagler Ave. between Kennedy Blvd & 14 St. / Bernstein Park, Stock Island, 5th & 7th Ave. / Poinciana School Field between Kennedy & Duck
1:00PM – 2:00PM:
Autographs & Photos with Kelly McGillis
Location: Main Field, Wickers Field Complex, Flagler Ave. between Kennedy Blvd & 14 St.
Girls Night Out (Girls Only, Not Women) – Girls MUST wear their uniform shirts to be identified with our group to receive their benefits. FREE pizza at Angelina’s Pizzeria 208 Duval, then Free Home Made Ice Cream at Key Lime Pie Co. 511 Greene St. All free for our girl flag football players.
6:00PM – 8:00PM:
Juniors Night Out – This year we have created a special event just for the Junior Teams. Between 6 – 8PM, juniors will play pool and ping pong for FREE @ Shooterz. Food trays available and soda for purchase, to share with your team or have your dinner here. Girls will be chaperoned and have a great time.
Location: Shooterz, 3102 Flager
Ms. IWFFA Contest & Women’s Party – Teams compete in very strange games: eat crackers & whistle a tune, team life saver relay, Kelly’s toilet plunger game, and more. After a variety of crazy team challenges, the winner will be crowned as our 2022 Ms. IWFFA Key West.
Location: ROCK HOUSE LIVE, 135 Duval
Sunday, January 30, 2022
8:00AM – 7:00PM:
Tournament Play-Offs & Championships – Three fields will be used. The round robin games conclude. Play-offs and championship games are played. Girls’ awards will be given at the field immediately following the junior championship game. Awards include Most Valuable Player for Offense and Defense, Special Select All Star Team. The top three teams in each division receive a team plaque. Every player receives an award certificate. Half Time Games throughout the day on main field. Final four to compete in Championships at approximately 2:00PM.
Location: Wickers Field Complex, Flagler Ave. between Kennedy Blvd & 14 St. / Bernstein Park, Stock Island, 5th & 7th Ave. / Poinciana School Field between Kennedy & Duck / Tommy Roberts Memorial Stadium, 1200 Kennedy Dr.
Immediately After Championships: World Challenge Game X
All stars from USA and International teams are picked and slotted to compete in the 10th annual Women’s Flag Football World Challenge Game. Coaches from championship teams will coach each team. World Challenge shirts will be awarded to the Championship Team. We have a tie in wins-losses. Whichever team wins puts that region ahead for 2022!
Immediately After World Challenge: Women’s Awards Party
The games are over and now it’s time to celebrate! Eat dinner with your team and the new friends you made during the tournament at the awards party. Gwen Filosa, Comedian, will join us to present the awards. All teams take the stage as each team receives: MVP Offense and MVP Defense. The top three teams in each division receive a tournament plaque. Special select All Star team for offense and defense will be recognized. The Championship Team receives championship hats, team certificate, and championship plaque. Prize for the Best Black, Purple & Blue.
Location: El Siboney Restaurant, 5501 5th Ave., Stock Island
Monday, January 31, 2022
10:00AM – 12:00PM:
IWFFA Trainers Certification (Pre-Registration Required) – For women wanting to travel to other countries to teach how to play, coach, and officiate flag football for the IWFFA. The first hour will be a slide show and history of the IWFFA’s introduction of the sport in a variety of countries. The second hour will be session for flag football skills to develop, plus coaching methodology. There will be a half hour break the includes pizza and soda. The last hour and a half we will go to the field to go over methods used to instruct how to play and officiate flag football. Questions and answers throughout. We invite and encourage women to join no matter what your skill level is for flag football.
Location: Bernstein Park, Stock Island, 5th & 7 Ave
2:00PM – 4:00PM:
Bike Tour Key West – We will have a great time during our bike tour, taking players throughout Key West, old town, Truman waterfront, and hideaway places. We’ll get paper bag lunches and enjoy swimming at Fort Zackery Taylor State Park. We’ll ride approximately 1.5 hour and then enjoy the beach the rest of the time.
Location: Truman Annex Gate, Thomas & Southard
Tournament Dinner – Well now it’s really over! You must be exhausted. This evening we tell fun stories about the tournament, make jokes, laugh, and realize what a fantastic time we all had. All are welcome to join us! The half shell offers the freshest seafood right on the water.
Location: Half Shell Raw Bar, Lands End Marina, Margaret & Caroline St.
We want to thank these businesses for making the 30th Kelly McGillis Classic possible
5 Brothers – Adrienne Z – Alan Maltz Gallery – Angelinas Pizza – Aquaplex – ARCIMOTO KEY WEST – ARCIMOTO KEY WEST ELECTRIC VEHICLES – Baby’s Coffee – Bagatelle – Banana Cafe – Blue Heaven – BO’s Fish Wagon – Bourbon St. Pub – Cafe – Check Electric – Conch Country 98.7 – Croissant De France – Danger Charter – Dominos – DUETTO PIZZA & Gelato – El Siboney – Fairvilla – First Flight Island Restaurant – First State Bank – Game On Mouth Guards – Garbo’s – Glad Tiding – Half Shell Raw Bar – Hank’s Saloon – Happy Rooster – Harpoon Harrys – Kermit’s Key Lime Shoppe – Key West Closets – Key West Insurance – Key West lime Co. – Kino’s Sandals – Manley DeBoer – Moondog – MR Z’s Pizza – Nine One Five – Oasis Restaurant – Old Town Mexico – Pacific Jewelry – Photographer Shady Palm – Pilates – Porter Allen Insurance – Publix – Rick Durty Harry’s – Rockhouse Live Key West – Roostica – Salute – Schooner Warf – Shooterz Pool Hall – Shadow Caster Keys Flats Fishing – Shanna Key – Side Bar – Smallest Bar on Duval – Smokin’ Tuna – Sunset Water Sports – Suzzane Washburn Realtor – THE ZONE Radio – US1 Radio – WAIL Radio 99.5 – WEOW 92.7 FM – Women Fest Key West – Women of the Moose Chapter 1810