Who We Are
Founded in 1997 by Diane Beruldsen, the International Women’s Flag Football Association is an organization of and for women’s and girls’ flag football teams, leagues, and individual players from around the world.
Our mission is to provide an opportunity for all females regardless of race, nationality, age, skill level, economic status or sexual orientation to enjoy healthy competition, have fun, and develop teamwork skills.
Our goal is to educate and assist our players through our tournaments, clinics, and promotional tours while building self-esteem, confidence, and leadership skills.
We are not just a sports organization. We are a women’s empowerment organization who uses flag football as the vehicle to bring equality to women around the world.
As a membership-based association, we bring value to our members through our events, communications, news, and community culture.
Women Flag Football Tournaments and Clinics Offered Across North America, Europe, Scandinavia, Central America, Caribbean and Asia
The International Women’s Flag Football Association is very active and travels throughout the world, introducing the sport in various countries: Denmark (1997), Norway (1998), Sweden, Iceland (2000), Guatemala, El Salvador (2014), Cuba (2015) and India and Afghanistan (2018), creating new leagues and teams by offering equipment and training clinics to teach how to play, coach and officiate flag football. Flag football clinics are free and equipment is provided. The goal of the IWFFA is to unite all female flag football players, teams and leagues. To offer females the training and knowledge to organize, control, grow and maintain flag football, allowing women to make decisions for their own sport. The IWFFA stipulates every team have a female captain, every league have a female representative, and every country have a female representative in order to create leaders.
Women’s Flag Football – Description of the Game
With any sport, there are two competing teams protecting their goal. The rules of the International Women’s Flag Football Association includes eight players on the field. Technically there are four teams to a field, Offensive Team (team who controls the ball), Defensive Team (team to protect their goal), Kicking Team (team which kicks the ball to begin the game, or after they have scored), and the Receiving Team (team to receive the kicked ball). The game includes two 25-minute periods with a 5 minute half time break. The basic equipment includes: Flag A Tag belts & flags, junior size all leather football.
Simple Description of the IWFFA Game
- 8 players on field.
- 4 downs (or attempts) to gain 10 yd. for 1st down.
- When a team gains a “first down” they are given four new downs
- Center and two guards are ineligible receivers.
- Blocking between shoulders and waist (down field blocking allowed).
- Field goals, extra-point kicks, fake kicks and punts are allowed.
- Defensive line may rush QB as soon as ball is snapped and line up just behind the point of ball nearest them. Defensive rush on kicks.
- Helmets are not allowed
- Fumbles are not allowed
- Tackling is not allowed
- Pads or shoulder pads are not allowed
Female Style of Flag Football
When the IWFFA conducts its clinics to teach how to play, we encourage the “female style” of play, because there has been great influence from the male counter sport: Tackle Football. With flag football more finesse and strategy should be used compared to tackle’s brute force and speed. Winning should not be emphasized, but rather fair play and appreciation for the challenge and camaraderie and friendship with your opponents. Flag football offers females a great challenge to practice many skills involved in the game such as: kicking, catching, throwing, blocking, running with ball, grabbing flags, etc. For this reason, many types of females can join a team and be a valuable asset to the team. With so many skills involved in the 8 vs 8, semi-contact version, the IWFFA has adapted these set of rules for the benefit and excitement of the game for players and fans. Flag football is a fantastic game for young and old females.