7th IWFFA – El Salvador Women’s Flag Football Tournament
Teams competing in the tournament this year are from Guatemala and El Salvador.
We are a unity of flag football players converging on the field for sport and unity.
We will have half time games for fun competition on the field in between our flag football games. Such games as: furthest football throw, wheel barrel, piggyback, sprints, longest snap, etc.
We will have a party Saturday Night for all the teams to gather and make friends and meet old ones. Saturday night we will have arm wrestling contest, karaoke, beer pong, food and drinks.
Awards will be given out for Most Valuable player for each team, a select All Star Offense and Defense team.
Sportship award is also given to the player who has demonstrated they are caring, play clean, helpful and show these types of qualities on and off the field. This award does not have to go to the best athlete, but rather a player who has demonstrated good sportship.
This is just one of 4 latin tournaments the IWFFA offers.
We also sanction tournaments in: Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras as well during the year.
The tournament this year will have for the first time ever, a girl’s competition.This will be a first for not only El Salvador, but Central America.
Part of the tournament is our 2024 IWFFA-El Salvador Promotional Tour.
We have gone into the schools in San Salvador, teaching girls from different neighborhoods flag football.
Most important for the IWFFA, to have a girls division as part of the women’s division, is for multiple reasons:
- We want girls to see women as leaders in their own sport
- We want girls to know they too can become leaders in flag football
- We want to give girls all over the world the opportunity to play flag football, an opportunity which many of us did not have growing up.
- We are planting the seed for a better world, building leaders who are strong and compassionate
- Women become better flag football players when they coach and play the sport
- The importance of developing a girls division for the growth of the women’s division cannot be over.
- In the United States in the 90’s there had been huge women’s flag football leagues, which no longer exist because either the organizer got tired of running the league, or the players got too old. This is one practical purpose to create and include a girls division as part of women’s flag football leagues.
- Coaching a girls’ team is pure JOY!
- We want moms and women to know that in the IWFFA, invites and encourages them to coach a girls’ team, even if they know nothing of coaching, nor flag football, because everyone has their first day on the job and will only get better in time.
- We want the love and compassion female coaches can give our girls
- Women should rule their own sport