IWFFA Works to Get Afghanistan Women Flag Football Players Out of Afghanistan
The IWFFA is working hard to get the Afghanistan Women’s Flag Football players out of Afghanistan. We have safely evacuated 37 Afghan flag football players and their families to and arrived to Mexico City on November 16, 2022. And this is the first group, we have 33 more Afghans still in hiding from the Taliban, living horrible lives in Afghanistan, all because these women and girls played a sport which the Taliban does not allow. The conditions for females in Afghanistan are horrible and we have already been successful to gain asylum in Mexico where they can live, but we need to purchase airline tickets for the 2nd group. We continue our Afghan Fundraiser. If you can help, please do.
In 2018, the IWFFA traveled to India to train a group of Afghan women how to play, coach and officiate flag football so they could take the sport back to Afghanistan.
The women did, and coached other women and girls in the league they developed, the Afghanistan Women Flag Football Association However, with the change of government, and withdraw of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, our female flag football players are in danger for breaking the Taliban laws. We need to get all the members of the AWFFA out. Read the full story here
Many Thanks to These persons and groups who worked hard to get asylum for our Afghans:
– ALDEA People’s Justice Center
Co – Founders Bridget Cambria, Jackie Kline, Lawyer Sahar Jalili
Traurig’s Global Pro Bono Program – Elba B. Gutiérrez, – Greenberg Traurig Mexico City office – José Raz Guzmán – Greenberg Traurig’s Global Pro Bono Program Chair Caroline J. Heller – counsel provided by Raz GuzmánGreenberg Traurig – Lawyers – Daniela Reyes – Karla Copka – Caroline J. Heller – Luis Cortes – Victor Felipe Callarisa Rivera – Diana Cortes – Daniela Rodriguez – Karla Pena.
– Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs
– Programa Casa Refugiados
host the afghans for 6 months educatin, jobs, social workers, psychological care as needed
Programa Casa Refugiados (PCR), a Mexico City-based non-governmental organization
Casa de Encuentro para el Acompañamiento Humanitario y Construcción de Paz (Meeting House for Humanitarian Accompaniment and Peacebuilding) Operate as a physical and virtual space to strengthen, scale and replicate collaborative efforts around humanitarian accompaniment from a peacebuilding approach, within the framework of the “Red Abriendo Puertas” and in the face of the challenge of responding to the growing impact of violence.
– The Misioneros del Espíritu Santo de la Provincia de México México (Missionaries of the Holy Spirit of the Province of Mexico) seek to promote processes for integral human development and in a defined commitment to solidarity with others, especially with people in vulnerable situations, they begin a collaborative relationship with Programa Casa Refugiados with the opening of the CEAHPAZ space. A joint effort that responds to the objective of generating relationships of inclusion and equity in the service of others.
– IWFFA – International Women Flag Football Association – Diane Beruldsen – President / Founder
Media Coverage
How to Donate:
- Go Fund Me
- Via Check
(please make payable to IWFFA):
25 A 7th Ave
Key West, Florida 33040