Recently I was asked how a team should start off their flag football game: aggressive or at a pace?
Flag Football is situational and momentum has a lot to do with the game. The short answer is neither.
I want to start with the ball. I want good field position. Field position is a huge part of the game that influenced how “aggressive” you may be. I want to take what the defense gives me.
If that’s down field…. fine. If it’s 3 yards in the flat….. fine. I would rather have a long drive, moving the chains, than a few big plays.
While my offense is on the field….. the opponent can’t score. 80 percent of all passes in the NFL go for less than 20 yards.
So, what makes non – professionals think they can do better? Not me.
The longer the ball is in the air… the more bad things can happen. I want to run the ball, but not just to start the game… rather the whole game.
My team knows how to run and we are good at it and to stop it, you’ll leave something open and then we’ll take it.
So I guess I want to start the game the way I want to finish it…. in control and taking what the defense will give me, as my offense is on the field.